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Last event date: Thursday, April 02 2020 7:00PM

Singing in the Rain is an unforgettable story about show business and love. Don Lockwood and his on-screen partner Lina Lamont are preparing for their first talkie - non-silent movie - when it turns out that Lina’s voice is even less bearable when recorded. Don’s friend Cosmo Brown suggests an aspiring young actress, Kathy Selden, to be Lina’s sound double, and of course Don falls in love with the talented singer.

The original 1952 film was immensely successful due to Nacio Herb Brown’s unique music, the romantic story penned by Comden and Green, as well as Fried’s witty lyrics. The production filled with classical hit songs and stunning tapdance sequences was first presented in a co-production with the Szeged Open-air Festival, before finding its forever home in the Budapest theatre.

Original choreography by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donan, original production created by Maurice Rosenfield, Lois F. Rosenfield and Cindy Pritzker Inc. Performing Singing in the Rain is possible due to a special agreement with Az Music Theatre International. (MTI, 421 West 54th street, New York, New York 10019 - Tel.: (1) 212 5414 684,

The child soloists in this production are students of the Madách Dance Academy.

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A Budapesti Operettszínház fenntartója a Magyar Állam, irányító szerve az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma (EMMI)